PICO-APL1 LVDS BIOS setting for panel resolution/ channel / color depth.

edited May 2019 in PICO-APL1

There are panel resolution and color depth settings for LVDS interface in the BIOS of PICO-APL1 for different compatible displays that may appear in the application.

Panel type sets the resolution of the target display

Color depth sets the LVDS channel and color of the target display

Further explanation is provided here to avoid misunderstanding
Color depth
18bit= single channel & 6 bit color
24bit= single channel & 8 bit color
32bit= dual channel & 6 bit color
48bit= dual channel & 8 bit color

For example, the pictures above selected setting for 1024x768 panel with a single channel 6 bit color .

Resolution from 1440 x 900 to 1920x1200 must be dual channel data transmission
So choose 18/24 Bit (Single channel) can't light the screen.

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